Loftus Nomination Form

Nominee: Submitted By: 
* Name:  * Name:
(if appropriate)
(if appropriate)
Address: Address:
* City: * City:
* State/Province: * State/Province:
Postal Code: Postal Code:
Phone: * Phone:
* Email address:

1. In brief, how has your nominee made distinguished specific or long-term scientific contributions to the health of Great Lakes ecosystems? Please limit to 50 words or less.

2. Please describe your nominee's research and/or contributions that have advanced the understanding of Great Lakes ecosystems, fish communities, or fisheries. These contributions could be related to the rehabilitation of fish communities, the conservation of biological diversity, the protection of the physical environment, the enhancement of science-based fishery management, or the understanding of the effects of sea lampreys on fish populations. Please limit to 300 words or less.

3. Please describe how your nominee's contributions are significant to the improved health of the Great Lakes. Please limit to 150 words or less.

4. Please provide brief biographical information:

OR attach the nominees' CV (please limit to one-page)

5. Please enter the number displayed here: