Fishery Research

Purpose of Program

Generate and make accessible a portfolio of science to inform the conservation and rehabilitation of healthy Great Lakes ecosystems that sustain fisheries and benefit society.

Program Scope

The fishery research program consists of a portfolio of funded basic (discovery, descriptive, or hypothesis generation) and applied (descriptive or hypothesis-driven) research organized by theme areas given below. Projects are solicited from the Great Lakes research community and a competitive, peer-reviewed process, led by the Board of Technical Experts (BOTE), ensures a high-quality program of science.

Theme Areas

Research theme areas describe a broad topic of importance to Great Lakes fishery management and are led by members of the BOTE. Investigators with ideas for new theme areas should contact the Science Director ( The BOTE particularly encourages cross-cutting proposals that demonstrate integration across two or more theme areas. Examples of how themes intersect are given in the program's conceptual diagram. Projects that do not fall under a current theme area may be supported under “non-theme” research.

Research theme areas